How Buying Means Donating

If you buy any art piece, not only will you have my undying gratitude, but you can gain comfort knowing that a significant portion of the beautiful art's price tag will be donated to reputable mental health or neuroscience charities.

Below are a few such charities:

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness
  • Child Mind Institute
  • StrongMinds
  • Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
  • Active Minds

It is important to help improve the lives of people with mental illness. Not to sound dramatic, but one of my life's goals is to help those in need. This is my mission. I wish to help people like I was helped. It is frightening to think of what would have happened to me if I did not have professional, mental health support. In truth, I would probably be dead. That blackest pit where one believes suicide is a good idea is a hell no one should endure. There are ways out and these charities above do that on a global scale.

I wholeheartedly believe we can find the root cause and the cure for all mental illnesses. We can help so, so many. This is a cause worth fighting for, and I need your help to do it.